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Level Three
Grail Heart: Heart Sense


Open to those who have completed the level two apprenticeship


This last stage of the Heart Sense journey has been created in deep communion with Louise's own heart, which has been gently and assuredly guiding her onwards since completing her PhD. Louise's ongoing apprenticeship with her heart has taken her deeper into her heart and her heart's teachings, being gifted the wisdom of this incredibly wise, gentle heart. 


This is a Master initiation programme. Following this, if desired, Louise is working on the possibility of creating an accredited Heart Sense Therapist programme. 



This level comprises 4 x sessions, covering the following:


Recap - reviewing the journey so far

Introduction to The Grail Heart

The Quantum Realm

The Creative Impulse - what this means

Implications of the Grail Heart




Louise would be incredibly grateful to receive a donation for her time in bringing through all aspects of this final stage of the Heart Sense journey.

Heart Sense Donation

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for your support of this work as well as your trust in me and my heart's guidance!
(To donate, first select frequency, then select preferred amount. You can also customise your amount by clicking 'other')
Thank you!


One time












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