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Cherry Tree



It is the precious knowledge of the heart that drives our research and offers a platform for the heart to speak. Our work does not manifest through talking about the heart from a rational, head-based perspective, rather we sink into the heart and commit to thinking with the heart from the heart-space - bringing forth a radically different way of perceiving the world, and making meaning within it. This means that we take seriously what the heart wishes to say, beyond the mental level of mind, which significantly limits our ability to make deep and profound meaning from our direct, embodied, lived experience of life itself.  Our work commits to bringing together heart-centred knowing with head-based critique, to create open and empowering dialogues and to develop safe, open, loving, kind and compassionate spaces for different questions and ideas to arise. 

Purpose and Mission


To support and empower you to return to heart and reconnect to life. We do this by putting you back in the driving seat of your own life – guiding you to the wisdom and knowledge that resides your own heart, and giving you the confidence to apply this new understanding in everyday life.

Louise Livingstone - Founder, Researcher, Coach, Artist



The seeds of the Heart Sense Research Institute were sown in the early 1990s, when our Founder - Louise Livingstone - caught a virus that enlarged her heart, leaving her with numerous physical ailments. Deep in her soul, Louise knew that her heart was urgently trying to speak to her, making her aware that she had been ignoring her heart's wisdom and guidance for many years. This neglect caused her heart to cry out in pain and distress. This experience with her own heart transformed Louise's life, and she began a long journey of recovery; learning to listen to the soft whispers of her heart's wisdom and guidance. Today Louise brings her wealth of professional and personal experience into a practical setting; working to empower organisations and individuals to access their heart's wisdom in order to navigate life more effectively.

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