Heart Sense - def: Insightful perception & considered discernment regarding daily life developed through the wisdom of, and benevolent qualities associated with, the heart.
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Please find below links to research papers, conference proceedings, book chapters and books. If you do use any ideas from these resources, please do credit the author in your work. Thank you, from our hearts to yours!
(Note that some links go direct to academia.edu. To read, you must login to the website)​
Livingstone, L. (2024) ‘Taking seriously the heart’s wisdom: how Heart Sense can support and enhance contemplative pedagogy’, Journal of Useful Investigations in Creative Education. Special Issue Contemplative Pedagogy June 2024
Black, Covi, Livingstone & Pappas (2023) Even the Caterpillar Sings: Bringing Our Souls Back Into A Deeper Relationship With Nature (2023) iRewild Institute
Livingstone, L. (2022) 'Our Hearts Are Speaking', Living Spirituality Connections, https://livingspirit.org.uk/blog/
Livingstone, L. (2022) 'The Heart as an organ of imaginal perception', Imagine, Vol. 2, 5/22. https://imaginezine.com/imagine-2/
Livingstone, L. (2021) 'A Methodology of the Heart: Making Space for the Heart's Wisdom in the Research Process', Journal for Myth, Cosmology and the Sacred, 1(1), pp. 67-97. Click on pdf here:
Livingstone, L. (2021) 'The Fierce Urgency to Create Safe Spaces for the Heart in Relation to Sustainability', International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. Emerald Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJSHE-08-2020-0309
Livingstone, L. (2019) ‘How Can The Thought of The Heart Offer Effective Ways of Engaging With Conflict’. PhD. Canterbury: Canterbury Christ Church University. (Link to thesis here)
Livingstone, L. (2019) 'The Heart Speaks - Personal Transformation Through Illness', Transformation, Illness & Identity Conference, Derby, 6th July. (Link to paper here)
Livingstone, L. (2019) 'Re-imagining the Heart as an Organ of Knowledge to Inspire Community Engagement in Sustainability Issues', Sustainability in Higher Education Conference, Swansea, University of South Wales, 4th July. (Link to paper here)​​​

Livingstone, L. (2019) 'Transforming the Heart: From Biological Pump to Producer of Knowledge', Transformations Conference, Canterbury Christ Church University, 22nd May (link to paper here)
Livingstone, L. (2019) 'Taking Our Hearts into New Worlds' in King, L. & Edgar, R. (eds.), Science Fiction for Survival: An Archive for Mars. Scarborough, Valley Press (link to chapter here)​
Livingstone L. (2019) 'Taking Sustainability to Heart–Towards Engaging with Sustainability Issues Through Heart-Centred Thinking', in Leal Filho, W. & Consorte McCrea, A. (eds), Sustainability and the Humanities. Switzerland: Springer Nature, pp. 455-468 (link to paper here)
Livingstone, L. (2018) 'Crossing Boundaries With the Heart', Crossing Boundaries Conference, Canterbury Christ Church University, 24th May (link to paper here)
Livingstone, L. (2017) 'Wholeness: Perceiving Dynamic Unity', Holism: Possibilities and Problems Conference, University of Essex, 8th-9th September (link to paper here)
Livingstone, L. (2017) 'Dialoguing with Nature Through the Thought of the Heart', In Other Tongues Conference, University of Falmouth at Dartington, Totnes, 7th-9th June (link to paper here)
Livingstone, L. (2017) 'Exploring the Metaphor of the Heart as a Research Symbol', Creativity and Imagination; Inspiring Imaginative Scholarship - Education Scholarship Day, May (available here)
Livingstone, L (2016) 'From Ancient Greece to the Present Day; How the Development of the Modern Mind Distanced Us from Genuine Dialogue', Interrogating Transformative Processes in Learning and Education: An International Dialogue, Athens, 24th-26th June (available here)
See https://canterbury.academia.edu/LouiseLivingstone for further information
Guest Blog
The Way of the Heart - guest blog written for St Ethelburga's Centre for Reconciliation and Peace