Heart Sense - def: Insightful perception & considered discernment regarding daily life developed through the wisdom of, and benevolent qualities associated with, the heart.
Training & Events
"Here in the West we live in a world dominated by the hegemony of rationality, empiricism, in which for something to be believed, it has to be verifiable, often measurable, observable, classifiable. The work of Dr Louise Livingstone attempts to correct the imbalance in this way of understanding our world. She does this by reminding us that there is another way of knowing, one that requires us to listen to our hearts as well as our heads.....Her passion is to help spread an understanding of the world as a living entity in which everything is connected and to alert us to the fact that we deny this at our and the world’s peril."
Ann Harrison-Brooks - Heart Sense (Cohort 1)

Upcoming Courses & Events
Transformative learning and personal development to support deep relating to ourselves, each other, and our beloved Earth
(Click on course/event title in the image-tiles below for more information)
Online personal development journey
Running twice per year; Sept-Nov & Feb-April
“Louise’s teaching sessions...were an important part of our learning and her researches into the thought of the heart go to the very core of spiritual scholarship and practice... truly transformative learning.”
Janice Emmott
"I just wanted to say how much your talk moved me. It's inspired me to allow myself to accept my deep longing for connection with the natural world without letting my 'rational' mind undermine that connection. And to trust that if I think, or more importantly, feel that the rock/stone/crystal/tree/plant is speaking to me - then it is!"
B. E